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Essential health information from local experts

Posted: Sep 24, 2019

Tips to Avoid Injuries from Falls

By Nursing Quality Improvement Specialist Eileen Newell, RN

Did you know that most falls can be prevented? Yet, each year in the U.S., 1 in 4 people aged 65 and older falls, and these falls often result in hip fractures, broken bones and even head injuries. We all have the power to reduce our fall risk and protect ourselves from a serious fall. Use these tips from Sarasota Memorial experts and the National Council on Aging to avoid accidental falls — especially if you're age 65 or older. 

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Posted: Sep 10, 2019

Help Emergency Care Providers Help You

Written by SMH Emergency Medicine Pharmacy Resident Haden Geiger

Life can change in an instant. In a blink, something like a stroke, a heart attack or car accident can take away your ability to speak or think clearly. Be prepared. Keep a list of this important health and medical information handy, so first-responders and care providers can quickly treat you the most effectively. 

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Posted: Aug 27, 2019

Allergies & EpiPens: What You Need to Know

Written by SMH Emergency Medicine Pharmacy Resident Alexandra Carlson, PharmD

Not all allergic reactions are treated in the same way, and it’s important to understand the difference in symptoms and treatments. Severe reactions with anaphylaxis require immediate treatment with an epinephrine injector. Learn what to do and what not to do with an EpiPen or generic injector.

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Posted: Aug 28, 2018

Button Batteries & Kids: What You Need to Know

Video with SMH Emergency Toxicologist Dr. Tamas Peredy & ER Clinical Pharmacist Jeremy Lund / Written by SMH Digital Content Editor Ann Key

Thousands of young children swallow lithium button batteries each year in the US. Use these tips to prevent ingestions in your home, recognize the symptoms and know what to do if you suspect a battery ingestion.

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Posted: Oct 26, 2017

Halloween Costumes, Candy & Decorating Tips


Halloween is a magical time for children, but for parents, there's a fine line between Halloween fun and safety fright, especially on Halloween night, when the streets and sidewalks are filled with trick-or-treaters. Did you know that children are twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween than on any other day of the year?!

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