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Essential health information from local experts

Posted: Nov 15, 2022

Save Yourself! The Great American Smokeout Is Coming!

The best time to quit tobacco is the day you started; the second best time is now.

As of the latest FDA studies, tobacco use remains the #1 cause of preventable death in the US. And each day, roughly 1,600 youth smoke their first cigarette. Fortunately, studies also show that smoking cessation programs work, which is why Sarasota Memorial partners with the Gulfcoast South Area Health Education Center to host The Great American Smokeout every year.

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Posted: Oct 25, 2022

Saving Lives By Preventing Sleep Accidents

Following Safe Sleep rules to prevent infant death.

The rules for Safe Sleep are simple but necessary. Fight sudden infant death and protect your baby from accidental suffocation by following these simple guidelines for Safe Sleep.

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Posted: Oct 18, 2022

Don’t Just Throw That Away!

Dispose of unwanted medications safely on National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

You have to be careful in disposing of old prescription medications, which can be harmful and dangerous if they wind up in the wrong hands. Enter the National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, a national program providing everyone with a safe way to dispose of old, unused, unwanted or even illicit prescription drugs.

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Posted: Jun 14, 2022

The Importance of a Home Medication List

By SMH PGY1 Pharmacy Resident Chloe Sealy

As we get older, the number of daily medications and regular supplements that we take seems to go up too. Rather than trying to rattle them all off every time you visit the doctor, try keeping an up-to-date home medication list that you can take with you. And in the event of an emergency, maintaining this home medication list helps family, caregivers and healthcare providers know, at a glance, what medications or supplements you are taking.

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Posted: Apr 5, 2022

Even Over-The-Counter Painkillers Pose Risks: Know Your NSAIDs

Written by PGY1 Pharmacy Resident Victoria Schwalm, PharmD

Advil, Aleve, Motrin—these are all common household pain medications that we all recognize. But do we all recognize the potential risks that even over-the-counter painkillers can present? Incorrect dosage or unintended interactions with other medications can be harmful and even fatal. Learn more here.

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