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Essential health information from local experts

Posted: Jul 23, 2021

Red Tide & Shellfish Poisoning: What You Need to Know

By Pharmaceutical Emergency Care Specialist Jeremy Lund, PharmD

Most Suncoast residents are familiar with the respiratory irritation and itchy eyes commonly experienced during red tide blooms. But did you know that eating red tide-contaminated shellfish can make you sick — possibly really sick?

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Posted: Jul 20, 2021

Heatstroke & Heat Exhaustion Warning Signs

By SMH Emergency Medicine Pharmacy Residency Team

As we’re approaching peak summer swelter on the Suncoast, medical care providers are seeing an increase in heat-related illnesses, including heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Learn what warning signs to look for in infants, children and adults, plus what steps to take to keep illness from worsening.

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Posted: Sep 29, 2020

Tips to Protect those Peepers & Care for Eye Injuries

Written by SMH Injury Prevention Coordinator Susan Williams

Did you know that ERs treat more than 125,000 eye injuries each year? Yet 90 percent of all eye injuries are preventable, according to American Academy of Ophthalmology estimates. Try these tips from SMH's Injury Prevention coordinator to keep those “baby blues” safe.

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Posted: Sep 1, 2020

Caring for Boo-boos, Preventing Poisonings at Home

Written by SMH Emergency Medicine/Toxicology Clinical Pharmacist Jeremy Lund

Most families are spending more time at home these days, which means parents — or grandparents — are more often treating bumps and bruises, or a curious kiddo who ate something they shouldn’t have. Care for your crew safely with these accidental-poisoning prevention tips from Sarasota Memorial Emergency Care/Toxicology Clinical Pharmacist Jeremy Lund, PharmD, MS, BCCCP, BCPS.

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Posted: Jun 30, 2020

Tips for Sizzling, Sparkling & Socializing Safely this July 4

Written by SMH Digital Communications Specialist Ann Key

No matter what your plans may be for Fourth of July 2020, it’s doubtful a trip to the emergency room is on the agenda. Here are some simple tips to help you skip the ER and stay safe and healthy this holiday.

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