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Essential health information from local experts

Posted: Jun 8, 2020

Fall Prevention Amid COVID-19

Written by SMH Injury Prevention Coordinator Susan Williams

Falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injury and the main cause of death and disability in our senior population. But falls are preventable, not inevitable. Follow these tips from trauma nurse Susan Williams, RN, for a safe, smart, step-by-step approach to fall prevention in the age of novel coronavirus and COVID-19.

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Posted: Apr 23, 2020

DIY First-aid: What You Need & When to Use It

Written by SMH Copywriter Phil Lederer

Maintaining a fully stocked first-aid kit is a must for every household — as is knowing when to treat at home, when to head to an urgent care center and when to call 9-1-1. We reached out to Sarasota Memorial’s Trauma Services Injury Prevention Coordinator Susan Williams, RN, BSN, and pediatric hospitalist Jessie L. Hoang, MD, for their take on what a first-aid/emergency kit should include. Check out their recommendations. 

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Posted: Apr 2, 2020

Mask Wearing 101: How to Use & Re-Use a Face Mask

With Sarasota Memorial Nurse Jennifer Sorensen, RN

Face masks are only effective when they are handled, worn, stored and disposed of properly. Used improperly, and the masks actually become vehicles for spreading germs. Sarasota Memorial nurse Jennifer Sorensen, RN, offers a step-by-step mask-wearing how-to, along with some do's and don'ts, in this video blog.

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Posted: Dec 24, 2019

Preventing & Treating Kitchen Injuries

Written by SMH Injury Prevention Coordinator Susan Williams

The kitchen — often the heart of the house — can be a busy, busy place. Make your kitchen a safe zone with this recipe for injury prevention and treatment. 

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Posted: Nov 19, 2019

Holiday Myths ~ Fact or Fiction?

Written by SMH Pharmacy Resident Jeff Kamta

Is it really the turkey that makes us sleepy on Thanksgiving? Should you worry about poisonous poinsettias? SMH Pharmacy Resident Jeff Kamta separates fact from fiction in this TopTips video blog post. 

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