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Essential health information from local experts

Posted: Jul 16, 2024

Common Questions For The Pediatrician

With Jennifer Scheer, DO, and Susan Mihm, MD

Kids don’t come with a manual, but they sure do come with lots of questions. So we sat down with two FPG Pediatricians—Dr. Jennifer Scheer and Dr. Susan Mihm—for a quick primer on some common concerns.

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Posted: Jun 25, 2024

Safe Medication Disposal: Know Before You Throw

By Kimberly Tran, PharmD

Expired and unneeded medications piling up? Learn how to dispose of them risk-free, so that pets, children, and the environment stay safe.

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Posted: Jun 4, 2024

Don’t Forget Yearly Physicals!

5 reasons to schedule that check-up this summer

From toddler to teenager, the yearly doctor visit is an important part of monitoring your child’s growth and development—and keeping them healthy in the long-term.

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Posted: May 28, 2024

Saving Lives Through Breast Milk Donation

How to donate—and why.

For a newborn, nothing is more nutritious than mother’s breast milk. Milk depots, like the ones found at Sarasota Memorial, help ensure that all newborns get the same healthy start, by collecting donated breast milk for those in need.

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Posted: May 14, 2024

What Is The Homeward Bound Initiative?

Improving education and assistance for families in the NICU

After a stay in the NICU, the day of discharge is both a day of celebration and a moment of anxiety for many parents. The Homeward Bound Initiative ensures every parent has the information and resources they need to be confident in their caregiving.

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