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Essential health information from local experts

Posted: Oct 26, 2021

Halloween Fun for 2021 | Tips & To-dos

By SMH Senior Digital Communications Specialist Ann Key

With the COVID-19 Delta surge waning and vaccines now widely available for people ages 12 and older, the CDC has given the thumbs-up for trick-or-treating and outdoor Halloween celebrations this year. Be sure your family’s holiday is filled with fun, not fright, with these COVID-19 prevention and safety tips from the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics and the SMH-Sarasota Trauma team.

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Posted: Oct 5, 2021

Dementia, Caregiving & Communicating

With SMH Geriatrics Program Coordinator Tanya Hofmann, MSN

As Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia progresses, communication becomes more and more challenging. What can caregivers do to improve communication and be more understanding of the dementia experience? Sarasota Memorial Geriatrics Program Coordinator Tanya Hofmann offers guidance.

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Posted: Jul 28, 2021

Moving the Needle on Mental Health: What You Can Do

By Behavioral Health Executive Director Terry Cassidy, LCSW

It’s critical that we raise awareness about mental health and mental illness every day. It’s important that we normalize talking about mental health and that we help those facing mental-health hurdles know there are people ready to help and support is available. Behavioral Health Executive Director Terry Cassidy, LCSW, explains why and how we can all help.

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Posted: Jun 8, 2021

How To Talk about Hanging Up the Keys

With SMH Geriatric Medicine specialist Alan Grindal, MD

Whether the result of a chronic disease, such as Alzheimer’s, or just the product of normal aging, most of us will have to hang up our car keys eventually. Having a discussion about the eventual decision to stop driving is something that all families should do — just like drafting a will and making other end of life preparations. Here are some tips to help start the conversation.

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Posted: Mar 2, 2021

Kegel Exercises? There's a Better Way

By SMH Outpatient Rehab Pelvic Floor Therapist Shayna Shefrin

Kegel exercises — which are basically the repetitious lifting and tightening of your pelvic muscles — are often touted as a non-surgical solution for bladder and bowel incontinence in men and women. And while there are some people who encourage Kegels as a way to strengthen the pelvic floor, I’ve found alternatives that are much easier and much more effective for boosting control of your bladder and bowel, for a few reasons.

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