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Essential health information from local experts

Posted: Dec 27, 2022

New Year’s Survival Tips for Diabetics & Pre-Diabetics

With SMH Rehab Case Manager Crystal Brooks

With the new year comes celebration and family and feasting. But all the rich food and drink can be a minefield for those with dietary restrictions, such as those living with diabetes. Here are some tips from SMH Rehab Case Manager Crystal Brooks, on how to navigate the New Year party scene with your blood sugar under control.

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Posted: Oct 25, 2022

Saving Lives By Preventing Sleep Accidents

Following Safe Sleep rules to prevent infant death.

The rules for Safe Sleep are simple but necessary. Fight sudden infant death and protect your baby from accidental suffocation by following these simple guidelines for Safe Sleep.

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Posted: Sep 23, 2022

Have You Checked Your Balance Lately?

Prevent falls by strengthening balance with these simple exercises

When we’re young, falling down is an important part of learning to get back up. But as we age, even a minor fall can post a serious health risk. However, there are important—and easy—steps you can take to strengthen your sense of balance and reduce your risk of a fall.

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Posted: Jul 26, 2022

Should Babies Binge-Watch Breaking Bad?

With Dr. Chelsea Arnold, DNP, APRN

How much screen time is too much for your baby? We spoke with Dr. Chelsea Arnold of First 1000 Days Suncoast about the importance of limiting screen time and what it means for your child’s growth and development.

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Posted: Jun 14, 2022

The Importance of a Home Medication List

By SMH PGY1 Pharmacy Resident Chloe Sealy

As we get older, the number of daily medications and regular supplements that we take seems to go up too. Rather than trying to rattle them all off every time you visit the doctor, try keeping an up-to-date home medication list that you can take with you. And in the event of an emergency, maintaining this home medication list helps family, caregivers and healthcare providers know, at a glance, what medications or supplements you are taking.

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