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Essential health information from local experts

Posted: Feb 20, 2024

All About Lung Cancer Screening

The little-known, lifesaving test everyone should be aware of

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States, claiming roughly as many lives each year as prostate, colon and breast cancer combined. But while we do have a way to screen for lung cancer—and catching lung cancer early greatly increases the patient’s chances—only a small percentage are taking advantage.

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Posted: Feb 13, 2024

Get With The (Ornish) Program

Reversing heart disease through diet and lifestyle

Through diet, exercise and stress reduction, learn to slow or reverse heart disease without relying on medication or surgery.

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Posted: Feb 6, 2024

Ask An Expert: All About Aortic Aneurysms

With Cardiovascular Surgeon Kristen Walker, MD

The aorta is the largest, strongest blood vessel in your body. But sometimes, due to age, genetics or poor cardiovascular health, even it can fail. There are no symptoms of an aortic aneurysm, and complications can be fatal, earning this condition the rather infamous name: “the silent killer.”

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Posted: Jan 30, 2024

Limitations of the 23andMe BRCA1/2 Test

With Genetic Counselor Katherine Zimmerman, MSPH, LCGC

As the accessibility of genetic testing expands, more people are exploring their own genetic code. And companies like 23andMe even offer tests that claim to identify increased genetic risk of breast, ovarian and other cancers. But it is crucial to understand the very real limitations of these direct-to-consumer tests and why it’s important to keep a licensed healthcare provider in the loop.

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Posted: Jan 23, 2024

All About Osteoporosis

With Endocrinologist Angela Boldo, MD.

Nearly 80% of women over age 80 will experience significant loss in bone density. A third will have full-blown osteoporosis. But while loss of bone density is a natural part of aging, that doesn’t mean we can't do anything about it.

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