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Essential health information from local experts

Posted: Sep 26, 2023

Ask An Expert: Everything About Epilepsy

With Neurologist Brian Wolf, MD

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders in the world, affecting as many as 50 million people globally. Still, it remains shrouded in medical mystery and societal stigma. We spoke with Dr. Brian Wolf, a neurologist and expert in treating epilepsy, to learn more.

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Posted: Sep 12, 2023

It’s Not Flesh-Eating Bacteria But It’s Still Dangerous

How to avoid and identify a Vibrio vulnificus infection

“Flesh-eating bacteria.” It’s the scary, though slightly inaccurate, subject of recurring headlines each year. But the real culprit is a bacteria called Vibrio vulnificus, which can cause serious infections and even death. Thankfully, Vibrio vulnificus is easy to avoid and readily treatable.

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Posted: Aug 22, 2023

Ask An Expert: Addressing Childhood Obesity

With Pediatrician Susan Mihm, MD

In response to a rise in childhood obesity, the American Academy of Pediatrics updated its guidelines on the treatment and prevention of childhood obesity for the first time in 15 years. We spoke with First Physicians Group pediatrician Dr. Susan Mihm to learn more.

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Posted: Aug 15, 2023

Protecting Student-Athletes From Sudden Cardiac Arrest

SMH & ACSP partner for Cardiac Athletic Screening for Adolescents

Nearly 2,000 children and adolescents die from sudden cardiac arrest each year, with student-athletes being at particular risk. That’s why Sarasota Memorial Hospital and Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital Specialty Physicians team up each year to present Cardiac Athletic Screening for Adolescents, or CASA, as an opportunity for parents to have their children evaluated for risk of sudden cardiac arrest, free of charge, and to schedule whatever follow-up care they may need.

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Posted: Apr 18, 2023

Mechanics of the Heart

Using transcatheter aortic valve replacement to treat severe aortic stenosis.

The human heart beats about 100,000 times a day. Atria pumping, ventricles contracting, valves popping open and slamming shut. It’s a lot of hard work. And a lot of room for something to go wrong. At the Sarasota Memorial Outpatient Valve Clinic, transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is one of the many techniques used to keep hearts healthy.

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