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Essential health information from local experts

Posted: Aug 27, 2019

Allergies & EpiPens: What You Need to Know

Written by SMH Emergency Medicine Pharmacy Resident Alexandra Carlson, PharmD

Not all allergic reactions are treated in the same way, and it’s important to understand the difference in symptoms and treatments. Severe reactions with anaphylaxis require immediate treatment with an epinephrine injector. Learn what to do and what not to do with an EpiPen or generic injector.

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Posted: Aug 19, 2019

Postpartum Red Flags You Should Never Ignore

Written by Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist Dr. Washington Hill

Many maternal deaths related to childbirth complications occur after mom and baby have gone home from the hospital. Women who recently have given birth are at increased risk for a range of health problems. If you know someone who’s had a baby in the last 6 weeks — or just had one yourself — look for these medical red flags.

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Posted: Dec 7, 2018

Urgent Care or ER: A Guide, by Symptom

Written by SMH Digital Content Editor Ann Key

Medical care at an urgent care center is not the same as care at an emergency room. So what’s the difference? How do you know when to go to urgent care or when you should head for the nearest hospital emergency room?

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Posted: Feb 19, 2018

Stroke Prevention, Symptoms & Recovery

Written by SMH Outpatient Care Coordinator Wanda Jackson

When it comes to stroke, every minute counts! And that’s why it’s so important to understand the signs and symptoms, so you can call 9-1-1 immediately.

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