SMH Venice Cardiac Lecture Series: Steven Shoemaker, MD, FACC - Reducing the Risk of MI “Myocardial Infarction”
Venice Campus
Location: SMH-Venice Hospital - 2600 Laurel Road E., North Venice, FL 34275 – Education Classroom 2nd Floor
Contact Information: (941) 261-7777 or online at RSVP is REQUIRED as seats are very limited
Staying On Rhythm: Keeping the Beat with Advanced Cardiac Care
Wear and tear on the joints is a normal part of aging—but chronic pain doesn’t have to be. Join Sarasota Memorial’s Orthopedic Surgeons this January to hear about the latest solutions to arthritis and injury, and how recent advances in medical technology are giving patients more options than ever before. A brief Q&A will follow each presentation.
Thursday, February 27, 4:00-5:00pm: Steven Shoemaker, MD, FACC - Reducing the Risk of MI “Myocardial Infarction”
This is a FREE LECTURE SERIES with FREE VALET PARKING at main hospital entrance. Light refreshments served. RSVP is required.